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Publications, Seminars, Videos
Ten Commandments of Project Management (TCPM)
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Commercial Project Management: A Guide for Selling and Delivering Professional Services (CPM)
Commercial Delivery Methodology (CDM)
A Concise Guide to Project Collaboration: Building a Delivery Organization (CGPC)
ProjectBites: PM Education and Inspiration in 20 minute Video and Audio Bites!
Résumé : Updated in 2017
PMI: The leading professional organization for project management, offering a range of certifications, support for local chapters in North America and increasingly across the world, and numerous publications including the PMBOK®.
PBF: Project Business Foundation is an innovative site recently established to promote interest in business management of projects, as well as the essential skills required to succeed in this neglected aspect of project management.
PMWorld: A global resource for continuous learning and knowledge sharing related to Program and Project Management (P/PM). Devoted to creation of new P/PM knowledge, the sharing of that knowledge, and the application of that knowledge in ethical, professional and sustainable ways.
Project Management Wisdom: Max Wideman, a highly respected and honoured veteran of project management, a founding father of PMI and the PMBOK®, has collected a permanent record of the accumulated learning and experience which he has gained in Project Management throughout this time.
Risky Bid, Uncertain Process
Bob, our beleaguered PM, enjoys a typical RFP conversation with Doug, the salesman. This introduces the seminar on effective risk processes and the efficiencies of a risk system.
Sell and Deliver
Bob's estimates are in, and Doug is infuriated. This introduces the seminar on effective organization of the professional services firm, the project, and associated accountabilities.
I Know my Purpose (do you?)
Doug won the bid, and Bob is now discovering that agreements made as the project happily proceeds will not stand up against the contract if things turn ugly. This introduces the essential principles and practices of quality management in a client environment.